Stitch Themes: Finding Balance
Balance can be a difficult thing to achieve, and no one knows that better than Alessa, the main character of Stitch. In most respects Alessa is a perfectly normal college girl, but sometimes it...
Title: I Am The Messenger
Author: Markus Zusak
Illustrator: David Goldin
Genre: Mystery
Age: 12+
Pages: 357 (Paperback)
Publisher: Knopf Books
Ed Kennedy is an under aged cab driver with no plans or goals in...
Title: The Demon Hunter Saga
Author: Cynthia Vespia
Illustrator: Original Cyn Advertising
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Age: 13+
Pages: 123 (Kindle)
Publisher: Original Cyn Advertising
Title: The Death Cure (Maze Runner Book 3)
Author: James Dashner
Illustrator: Philip Struab/ Syephanie Moss
Genre: Dystopian, Science-Fiction
Age: 12+
Pages: 325 (Hardcover)
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Book One Reveiw (The Maze Runner)
Book Two Review...
Title: A Black Deeper Than Death
Author: M.E. Purfield
Illustrator: M.E. Purfield
Genre: Supernatural
Age: 15+
Pages: 123 (Kindle)
Publisher: Trash Books
Miki Radicci is a 16 year old famous artist with a curse that sets...
So You Wanna Do Your Own Cover Art?
I had finished writing my novel, ‘Forever Young The Beginning’and I learned that the publishers of eBooks all wanted cover art for a digital book. Being a newbie this was news to me, but...